Friday, 26 July 2013

The journey begins NOW

So here we go.

I have made the commitment. I am going to do this! I am running the London Marathon on 13th April 2014, and will be representing the Mental Health Foundation.

I have three goals.

1. To raise £2000 for the Mental Health Foundation, to learn more about the charity, it's supporters and how donations are used.
2. To run 26.2 miles.
3. To enjoy running 26.2 miles. This means no puking, collapsing or crying mid race.

My main concerns are:

1. I have never ran farther than 14 miles (I ran the Karrimor Great Trail 22km Challenge earlier in the year - I used everything I had and could not possibly have ran another metre)
2. Most of the training is going to be when it's bloody freezing.
3. I have nerve damage in my left foot, which has meant my left leg is weaker than my right, according to my trusty physio.
4. I feel incredibly unfit and un-runnery right now.

It's extremely early days yet, and I'm currently working on formulating a training plan over the next 9 months.
I have been advised by previous marathon runners (cheers, Pete Tizard!) not to overtrain, and I am currently reading Chi Running ( which I hope is going to inspire me! I will post more on this later. For now, I am going to be building general fitness, I'm not going to focus too heavily on increasing mileage - at least until late Autumn.

Runners, and non runners alike, hit me with your hints & tips!

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